Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 10- Realistic Goals

Today I'm going to set a realistic goal for myself. I have about 50 pounds that I'd like to lose overall. Instead of saying that my goal is to lose 50 pounds I'm going to start small and reward myself along the way. Rewards sound good to me :) Judith (the author) suggests to make 5 pound goals. So I'm announcing right now that my goal is to lose 5 pounds. If you want to make this goal along with me, we can do it together (you don't have to be following these same steps with me). I've got a lot of fives to go, but that's okay. I get frustrated at the thought of how long with will take sometimes. I just have to realize how much I'm not going to care in a year or two years from now. I'm just going to be happy that I decided to finally change.

So this morning I did Zumba :) The thought of Zumba makes me smile because of how I look doing it, lol. An example of an unrealistic goal for myself is working towards not looking hilarious while I'm trying to do hip thrusts along with the beat. I keep going though because it's fun and I'm sure that I make the other participants feel better about themselves ;)

Set a little goal today and also decide what your reward will be once you achieve it. I think that my reward for my next 5 pounds will be....hmmm? I really don't know. Let me think for a minute on that.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I love you, you crack me up, wish i lived closer and could come with you ... we'd never get through it though, we'd laugh too hard ;)
